Have you had a loft renovation? These 5 loft home office design tips will help you make the most of this incredible new space in your home.


During the height of the covid-19 pandemic nearly 50% of the population did at least some work from home. These days, most companies are working with a hybrid approach to home and office working as the global population works around the remnants of the outbreak.


For many people, this means creating some sort of home office space to accommodate the career hours put in away from the office. The loft space is an excellent option for this kind of working space because it is quiet, usually has great views and it doesn’t mean compromising other space in the house.


To make the very best home office in the loft, though, it has to be designed right. It can be a quirky space to work around, so it takes a little creativity to make the very best of it.

To help you, here are 5 ways to make the most of a loft-based home office:

1.   Keep Those Windows Clear

It’s a good idea to avoid putting any furniture around that could obstruct the windows in the loft. They often have the most amazing views because they sit above the tree line. This also means they can let in a lot more light than lower rooms. Keeping the windows clear is a design choice because it fills the space with natural light and makes the most of the position of the room.

2.   Add Blinds & Light Control

Whilst the natural light is a fantastic thing for a home office, it also creates an issue when it comes to screen glare. This means that during the day it is handy to have some blinds with windows you can and cannot reach. It is also helpful to place your desk in a way that has the most chance of avoiding screen glare.

At nighttime, it is helpful to have a range of lighting types to help you when you work. Overhead direct lights are very intense, but a few of them can be helpful for a quick illumination of the space. Recessed lighting is quite accessible in loft spaces because there are often beams or other quirky spaces where you can fit a light like this easily. Lamps and even a few fairy lights can be a nice touch for softer lighting. A desk lamp is also handy if you draw or do things by hand.

3.   Consider Bespoke Furniture

If you have a budget that allows for bespoke furniture, it can be so handy in a loft space, which is often very quirky and has odd corners, beams and other shapes to work around. If you can’t afford bespoke office furniture, have a rummage in your low-cost self storage unit to see if anything you have could work in the space. Antiques shops and charity shops are also great choices for office spaces because they offer a whole selection of shapes and sizes, rather than modern ranges in new furniture shops.

4.   Opt For Carpet

In floor office spaces you can have a nice wooden floor, or tiled floor as an easy-clean option. However, when the office is above other rooms, and especially in a loft space, carpet is a great idea. This helps to avoid noise from your office being heard on lower floors. In addition, it creates a lovely, luxurious feel to your working space which you can layer up with rugs, throws and pillows. Just remember to have a little miniature hoover upstairs too, so you don’t have to lug the vacuum up there every time you want to give the carpet a clean!

5.   Work With Nature

The loft is such a beautiful and light, bright space which often has great views onto the trees, or of the birds, which is why working with nature makes so much sense for your overall office design. Not only is nature so helpful for work productivity and your overall sense of wellbeing, but it can bring so much beautiful inspiration for the loft home office. Think natural prints on the walls, neutral tones and colours, and natural materials like wood, stone and real plants, which will thrive with all this indirect bright light.


Hopefully the five tips above will help you make the most of your loft office space. It is a beautiful, light, bright space which costs a lot to put in place, so it’s a fantastic choice for a room where you can boost your career and be productive.