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As it stands the landscaping and ornamental horticulture industry in the UK is worth over £28 billion pounds and is creating over 650,000 jobs across the country.


Everybody loves a bit of outdoor space, but why are we all going mad for beautiful gardens? Let’s take a closer look:

Covid-19 Made Us Treasure Our Outdoor Space

During the Covid-19 pandemic we were confined to our homes during lockdowns that lasted weeks and sometimes months. That meant that any outdoor space, be it a balcony or a garden, was to be truly treasured as many took the opportunity to grow their own veggies, plant wildflower patches and otherwise enhance their gardens. Now the pandemic is over, the value of outdoor space is very much something we are all aware of, and so, investments are being made by homeowners to cultivate the kind of beautiful garden they have always dreamed of.

Landscaped Gardens Pack A Valuable Punch

Post-pandemic a landscaped garden is thought to increase the value of your home by over 75%, which is highly impactful. For the many homeowners who want to sell, it’s a worthwhile investment to boost the price of the property. For potential buyers, a landscaped garden is a real drawer as they look for a better quality of life post-pandemic.

We’re All A Bit Nature Obsessed

Wellbeing and health are big themes of decor and home life at the moment because we’re all struggling a bit with the ways of the world. Decluttering and placing items into affordable self storage, using budget self storage to create more room for guests or relaxation at home, decorating with more colour to enhance moods, using plants in the home to clean the air and bring the outdoor in – wellbeing is well and truly embedded in the way that we are decorating our homes.

As well as all of the above, during this challenging time, if there is one way that we know to wind down and feel better, it is with a bit of time in nature which is what puts the spotlight on the garden. It is no longer just a space for a barbecue or for the kids to play football, it is an extension of the home. We’re landscaping to invite nature in, to create herb gardens, to grow vegetables, to surround ourselves with colour, to keep ourselves well with the little bit of nature in our backyard that we call our own.

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

Landscaping is so popular at the moment, there are long queues in some areas for people waiting to get work done. There is no substitute for professionals doing the landscaping, of course, but if you don’t want to wait, doing the gardening yourself can be very satisfying and rewarding too, especially if you have some spare time to dedicate to a new hobby.