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How To Rediscover Kitchen Storage Space


Discover how to find kitchen storage space kitchen that was there all along.

Often we can become so used to the way that we use our kitchen space that we forget how much potential we had for storage when we first moved in. In this article we are going to have a look at areas that you may have overlooked in regards to storage opportunity in your kitchen. Hopefully soon enough you’ll have fresh ideas, and lots of new opportunities for storage where are you thought there was none:

Are Your Pots Taking Up Space?

In a very small kitchen without a dishwasher unwashed pots can actually steal a lot of counter space and that can be because we aren’t taking the time to wash the dishes quickly. Or perhaps there is a delay in getting them put away. This can then result in the countertop becoming cluttered and taking away the potential for economical storage that could be placed instead.

Clear Out The Tins From 1905

It is so easy to look in the kitchen cupboard and think that it is entirely jam-packed and there is no room for anything else. This can then lead you to feel as though the cupboards are full and you are kind of stuck for storage space.

Sometimes the full cupboard feeling is simply down to the fact that you haven’t had a clear out for a very long time. So half of that cupboard space could be used by items that are not edible any more. Have a proper deep clear out of your kitchen cupboards, throw away anything inedible, and give away anything in date and in good shape that you know you won’t eat. You’ll be surprised how clean, tidy and spacious those kitchen cupboards look after you have had a clear out.

Has The Kitchen Become An Extension Of Your Garden?

It can be very easy for a kitchen to become a bit of a conservatory or greenhouse area if you are green fingered and you’re not careful about how much you have growing.

Have a look around in your kitchen and consider whether areas you are growing things like herbs or propagation could be used for storage. Could the items in fact be placed outside in some shape or form? Taking items outside that do not need to be in your kitchen can instantly free up space.

Do You Have Extra Furniture Because You Thought The Kitchen Cupboards Were Full?

Sometimes we can add furniture upon furniture trying to make a space work better because we haven’t actually gotten to the root of the storage problem.

Perhaps if you haven’t cleared out the cupboard under the stairs it might be that you’ve added a freestanding cupboard in the kitchen for storage. So the space instantly looks smaller even though you feel you have more storage.

Instead, why not clear out that cupboard so that you can reclaim the space taken up by the extra storage unit. If you can’t clear out space and you are still struggling then perhaps you should consider cheap self storage. Cheap self storage can be really handy for items that you don’t need all the time, particularly those you might store in spaces like the under stairs cupboard such as seasonal sports equipment and camping gear.

Have The Pets Spread Out?

Sometimes floor space is at a premium in the kitchen, and it may be that you have filled up a large portion of it with feeding, toileting and sleeping areas for the pets.

This is something that we might overlook on a day-to-day basis because it is a practical area for the pets. Have another look and consider whether or not your pet really needs that much space. Could they have a more compact eating area? Do they need an eating area to use all day? Do they even use their bed in the kitchen anymore, or do they generally tend to sleep upstairs with you? Think very carefully about the floor space your pets items take up and consider whether or not they could perhaps be removed or changed into something more compact.

How Many Bulky Unused Gadgets Do You Use?

Gadgets or large appliances are things that we can overlook and get used to working around,but never using. A broken microwave perhaps? Or a large coffee machine that seemed like a good idea at the time, but has only seen one latte come out of it since Christmas.

Removing items like these makes a huge difference to utilising kitchen space well. If you can get rid of any of these items you will see a huge difference in how much space there appears to be in your kitchen.

Using the tips above and creatively thinking about all areas of your kitchen means you likely have a lot more kitchen storage space than you remember.

It is so easy to get used to the way we use our space that it can take a bit of effort to rethink. The rewards though are really good when you have a compact kitchen and you need the space, so have a look around and see how much space you can rediscover in your kitchen today

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