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A Third Of Londoners Want A New Home

want a new home - lovely interior

A survey has shown that around 33% of Londoners want to move to a new home, and nearly half of those would like that new home to be out of London.

The survey also showed that the cost of moving, work location and financial uncertainty are some of the biggest reasons for not being able to move. If that’s you, you’re probably feeling fed up with your home perhaps because it feels small, you’re struggling with the lack of outdoor space, or you simply wanted a change of scenery.

Whilst we can’t get you to a new home, we do have lots of suggestions that can help you feel like you have a new home, some of which are incredibly cheap or free. Let’s take a closer look:

Loft Conversion

A loft conversion is certainly not a cheap option as far as home improvements go, but it is very popular amongst Londoners who want a vast improvement to their home. This is because it requires no garden space to build, which is important as one in five London homes has no garden, and if they do, they don’t want to eat into it because it is so precious. It can create a lot of extra room and is likely to add value to the home as well, so it is worth considering if you’re open to a larger investment in enhancing the place you live.

A Bathroom Boost

Bathrooms are having quite the moment when it comes to renovation. Natural stone is the most popular way to enhance the space, with floor to ceiling luxurious marble or granite adding a real spa-feel that grants some homeowners a real level of escapism they love.

Urban Jungles

Lots of London homeowners are embracing houseplant culture by adorning their homes with plants of all kinds. It’s not as good as having a garden, or access to more outdoor spaces, but it can give you lots of greenery, colour and a sense of nature in an otherwise grey and industrial feeling area.

Storage Space

Storage in London is highly desirable because it allows homeowners to reclaim much of their precious square footage simply by relocating items to an affordable self storage unit nearby. Bicycles, hobby items, seasonal items (summer clothes/ winter clothes/ camping gear/ Christmas decorations) all have a place in affordable self storage, enabling homeowners to actively reclaim lots of space otherwise used up as storage space.

Decorating With Zest

For some people, the pandemic really brought home the feeling of ‘if not now, when’. And when it comes to home design, if you can’t move, what you can do is allow your biggest and boldest design dreams to come to fruition. A bright yellow kitchen, a chandelier in the hallway, a bonkers print wallpaper in the bathroom – why not design with true expression and zest – it might be all your house was missing to make it truly feel like your home.


Stick Or Twist?

If you, like many other Londoners, want to move but you can’t, the tips above can give you an idea of things that you can do to transform your home. Sometimes we have to take what we have and give it a new lease of life, hopefully, giving you a much higher level of aesthetic appeal and functionality, for greater happiness and satisfaction whilst staying put.



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