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Learn how to declutter with a different perspective that can help you to get rid of more, and help others in the process.

Decluttering is a great thing to do to create space in the home, and to make a bit of cash on the side too.

Any mindset you use to get things done is great, but what if you decluttered without thinking about your own goals? What if you decluttered, with charity in mind? Could it help you to get rid of more? Could it help you to give more to your local community? Let’s take a closer look:

Change How You Look At The Things You Need

Lots of programmes, podcasts and papers discuss looking at what you need differently. How can you create more space for yourself. How can you raise cash from your clutter. These are great ways to think when you declutter, but it could be possible thinking of others first makes the process easier.

If you are a naturally generous and loving person, you probably want to help others more than you want to help yourself. The best thing about decluttering with charity in mind, is that you benefit with more space, and charity benefits from more stuff. It is a win, win. The only key difference with thinking this way, and thinking about your needs first, is putting others as your primary concern means you are more likely to get rid of more.

Ask Yourself Two Questions As You Declutter

When you declutter your home or self storage unit with charity in mind, you can follow a two step process of thinking.

Step 1: Do I need this? Do I want this? Do I use this? Would my house be better off without this?

Step 2: Does somebody else need this more than I do? Can anybody I know benefit from this more than I can benefit from it right now? Can this help make a worthy cause money? Is a worthy cause making money from this worth more than me having it?

By following a two step process of thinking when you declutter, you ensure you absolutely have complete cause to keep an item in your life. This means you are much more likely to let go of more, and therefore, your home is only full of items that are meaningful for you, whether practically or emotionally.

Who Can Benefit From Your Unwanted Things?

If you are going to be generous enough to gift your items away when you declutter, there are many different ways your things can benefit all kinds of charity including:

  • Friends in need
  • Family members in need
  • Charities that need raffle items or items for charity shops
  • Pet rescue needing warm blankets, towels and sheets
  • Elderly care homes, hospices and other public service buildings in need of decorative or practical items
  • Homeless charities helping people get back on their feet with accommodation
  • Domestic abuse charities helping people get back on their feet after escaping an abusive partner
  • Community projects

You should not put yourself in a situation where you have less than you need. However, if you are decluttering, think of others needs as well as your own and you could find you get rid of more, and feel better about your clearout too.